Drone Operations
All the information you need to apply for drone use in and around Penzance HeliportDrone Request Process
Before submitting a Drone Request Form, please swipe through the following information provided here
Applications to Penzance Heliport
Penzance Heliport receives many applications for permission to fly UAS’s/model aircraft within the vicinity of the aerodrome. Please note that completing this form does not automatically guarantee permission to fly.
This will be assessed by our Operations Officers on a case by case basis and is subject to operational demands.
Permission to operate a UAS/Model aircraft within the vicinity of the airport is needed, if your flight is within our FRZ (Flight Resticted Zone).

Penzance Heliport Restrictions
This is the current FRZ (Flight Restriction Zone) which has a radius of 2 nautical miles from the helipad, with two zones extending 5km by 1km from the helipad at bearings 080° and 260° respectively.
Both these zones extend upwards from ground level to 2000ft AGL
Before Your Application
Before completing this application, please ensure you have the following information available as you will need it to complete the application.
- Applicant name, email & contact number
- Pilot Name and Registration number
- Operator Name and Registration number
- Information about what Classification your drone is in (or weight and speed if no classification)
- Information about the nature and location of the proposed flight (Including Latitude and Longitude, heights and operating radius)
- Copies of your public liability insurance and risk assessment
Information you provide will be used to determine the risk and suitability of the flight proposal. Flight requests must be made at least 7 days in advance and are not guaranteed to be accepted. Repeat requests must be made for seperate periods of flying
Submit Now
Thank you for reading the notes of our application process.
Please follow the link below to submit your request.