PPR Form All visiting pilots must submit a completed PPR 24 hours prior to planned arrival datePPR Form Name of Pilot Pilot Email Aircraft Registration Aircraft Type Persons on Board Original Departure Location and Code Last Departure Point before Penzance Heliport Planned Date of Arrival ETA (Local) Planned Date of Departure ETD (Local) Location Departing For and Code Parking / Hangarage Required? (Both types strictly subject to availability) Parking / Hangarage Required? (Both types strictly subject to availability) Yes No Fuel Required? (JET A1 only) Fuel Required? (JET A1 only) Yes No Parking Type Parking Type Hangar Hardstanding Grass I understand: I understand: I must call or email to confirm towing capabilities before arrival is Penzance Heliport That skidded aircraft must bring their own equipment for movement on the apron I confirm: I confirm: I have downloaded, read and understood the Approach Plate document, and confirm I will adhere to these rules 3 + 3 = Submit Get the latest updates & offers by following us on social mediaFollowFollowFollowFollowFollowFollow